Using rsync on an Alternate SSH Port or with OpenSSH Keys

Best practices state that you should run ssh on an non-standard port.…

Simple Sysadmin Trick: Using tcpdump To Sniff Web Server Traffic

Sometimes, you just have to look into the raw data to see…

How We Defeated a Proxy Jacker (Google Web Spam Syndrome)

A few months ago, we had an interesting issue with another website…

Evaluating FTP Servers: ProFTPd vs PureFTPd vs vsftpd

Usually, I will try to push clients towards using SCP (via a client such as WinSCP), however inevitably there are clients who do not understand this new method of accessing their files securely online, and who for one reason or another insist on using FTP for their online file access. As they say – the customer is always right?

Simple Disk Benchmarking in Linux Using ‘dd’

A great way to do a real-world disk test on your linux…

Apache 2.4 Upgrade and the “Invalid Command ‘Order'” Error

The new Apache 2.4 has been released a few weeks ago and…

Big Cable Wants to Encrypt Your Basic Channels – How To Fight For Your Rights

For those not familiar with the current state of digital television, cable…